Diets and weight loss - Health and fitness

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Exercise For Fitness and Weight Loss

Exercising for fitness and weight loss is a formula for health that cannot be denied. But how does one get started on this path which ultimately leads to good health? The American College of Sports Medicine recommends: 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity at least five days per week. Or vigorous intensity activity at least three days per week. Add in strength training at least two times during the course of a week. Here are Five tips on how you can begin to incorporate physical activity into your daily regimen.

1) Schedule it. Give yourself a set time frame for when you'll do your exercise. This should be the same time each day that you work out, so that it becomes part of your daily routine.

2) Do it in short spurts. The physical activity can be cumulative. The activity of moderate intensity can be amassed throughout the course of the day, preferably in 10 minute intervals, which lead to the total of 30 minutes.

3) Alter the approach.You can alternate between moderate and vigorous intensity activity during the course of the week. As an example you could ride a stationary bike at vigorous intensity three times a week, and walk briskly at moderate intensity the other two days of the week.

4) The family that plays together stays together.Bring along your wife and the kids on your exercise routine. this can add enjoyment to the routine as well as prepare the children for a lifetime of being fit.

5) Use your imagination. There are a variety of activities you can use to keep from becoming bored with any physical activity. Such as tennis, paddle ball, swimming and bowling just to name a few.

Combine this with a reduction in daily caloric intake and you've got a formula for fitness and weight loss guaranteed for success.

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