Diets and weight loss - Health and fitness

Thursday, October 10, 2013

3 Natural Weight Loss Tips

Almost everyone that attempts to lose weight struggles. My friend Jane continually tries different diets and actually loses weight. Another friend, Beth, is fond of working out at the gym. Someone I know, Gary, has been fighting with his weight problem for over thirty years.

What these people have in common is that the weight always comes back. If you have been trying to lose weight for any period of time, then you know what I'm talking about.

There really is an approach to losing weight that works. It is simple to implement and fundamentally sound. Here are the 3 steps that you need to do to lose those unwanted pounds and to keep them off forever.

1/ Set Your Goals

This first step may not be what you think. It is not establishing your ideal or target weight.

Most of the people that I have spoken to that have successfully lost weight and kept it off have not focused on their weight problem.

What they decided to do instead was to alter their lifestyle. The goals that they focused on was how to change their day to day life.

2/ Change The Way You Eat

It has been well established that dieting does not work. Dieting produces the yo-yo effect that the vast majority of dieters experience.

It is far better to transform your eating habits than it is to go on and off of diets.

Find a healthy way to eat every single day of your life. Once you accomplish this the weight will come off all by itself.

3/ Daily Exercise

Changing your diet is crucial, but exercising on a daily basis is equally important.

Exercise accomplished much more than burning calories. Exercise provides both energy and focus. As a result, it improves our confidence and our state of mind.

For More Related Topics Blog: Acupuncture Weightloss

For More Related Topics Blog: Acupuncture Weightloss

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