Diets and weight loss - Health and fitness

Monday, November 4, 2013

Belly Fat Weight Loss - 5 Mistakes To AVOID Asap If You Really Desire A Sexy, Flat Stomach (Proven)

Are you looking for belly fat weight loss in the fastest possible time? This article will show you how. It's just as important not to make some serious mistakes as it is to do things right. Costly mistakes will set you back in time, money and effort. Achieve your flat stomach faster by avoiding these 5 tips.

Belly Fat Weight Loss Mistakes

1) Ab loungers, ab belts and ab rockers are great for toning up your belly. BUT! Don't be fooled because the perfectly formed fitness models in the commercials did NOT get their perfect look by using that "ab equipment." They got their perfect physique with real workouts and the CORRECT nutrition strategies. Eating natural foods that work with your body will lose your fat effectively and quickly.

2) There is no need to spend an absolute fortune on costly "super fast fat burning" pills or other bogus products. I can show you how to use the amazing power of natural foods that will melt your belly fat like crazy.

3) Long and boring, repetitive "steady state" cardio programmes are NOT the fastest way to burn body fat and reveal those sexy abs. There are new techniques to follow which are proven to burn fat up to 9 times faster than the old school methods.

4) Abdominal exercises like sit ups, crunches and ab machines are in fact the LEAST effective method of getting a flat tummy. They will tone your mid section but won't burn fat alone.

5) So many of the so called "health foods" are nothing but very cleverly disguised junk foods that can actually stimulate your system to gain MORE belly fat! We will teach you how to read food labels correctly and not be fooled anymore.

Avoid these 5 mistakes asap for faster belly fat weight loss. There are lots of other mistakes you should avoid making too.

Learn exactly how to burn stomach fat fast and keep it off permanently by clicking here

Friday, November 1, 2013

Body Fat Exercise Roulette - Choose Your Exercises Carefully Or Kill Your Weight Loss Results!

Don't play body fat exercise roulette. Listen, you're probably putting in a lot of effort with minimal results with the exercises you're currently doing. KILL THEM. Get rid of those exercises and try out what I'm going to share with you so that you can win yourself a new body in less time with less hassles.

Lose Body Fat Exercise Selections

1. Mini-trampoline jumping is the best exercise for most overweight people.

This is a low impact exercise that works the whole body. It saves you money and time since you don't have to drive to and from the gym and pay a monthly membership fee of $40 a month.

At Wal-Mart, you can get a mini-trampoline for around $25. Put it in front of a tv and jump on it during a bunch of commercials. On average, the commercials last about 2 minutes each. So figure on using 10-20 commercials. Don't worry, it's not necessary to count out how many commercials you jumped on the mini-trampoline.

I know that's a pain. As a rule of thumb, each 1 hour of TV has about 20 minutes of commercials. So figure that as 10 commercials and take a good guess as how far along you are.

2. Are you making this mistake while on a treadmill...

Walking or jogging on it while it's flat? If so, you're killing your weight loss results. BUT, there's an easy fix to this. Just incline the treadmill to 15-20 degrees. Now however long you were walking on it before, do it again while on this incline.

Notice the difference? Your body does to and you'll accelerate your weight loss because of this 1 small change.

Listen, I don't know what exercises you do. Things like the stationary bike and common walking probably aren't help you even though you've put a lot of time into them. Instead, replace them with the 2 "get rid of body fat exercises" I mentioned here and I'll BETCHA you start to lose more weight within 5-8 days.

Colon Detoxification Diet Programs - Acai Berry is the Best Colon Detox Diet For Natural Weight Loss

Are you looking for the most effective colon detoxification diet programs which can really fulfill the promise of complete natural weight loss? If you are frustrated will all the hyped weight loss diet programs present in the market then you should definitely need to concentrate on the most natural fat loss diet known as acai berry colon detox diet.

Now you will ask that what is so special about this fruit which can not be found in its other counterparts and my answer will be the huge percentage of antioxidants which can not be found in any other natural fruits. It contains 10-15 times more antioxidants as compared to other fruits. This makes this fruit as the number one super food as declared by many eminent TV personalities like Oprah Winfrey and Hollywood celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

This is most natural weight loss diet which has the power of shedding you unwanted fat in few days naturally and without any side effects. The huge amount of antioxidants helps our body to speed up the process of metabolism and digestion. It also reduces the toxic substances and burns unnecessary calories. Thus it naturally detoxifies your body and cleanses the colon.

Most of the overweight people gain weight in the form of liquid toxins which gets saturated in the belly, thighs, chest and legs over time. Acai berry diet pills makes you lose that liquid fat which is harder to burn. Once you lose that fat then it becomes easier for you to take control of your body weight and makes your life more healthy and youthful.

It has also added health advantages like improvement in immune system and increase in disease fighting ability of the body which helps to control the healthy flow of blood circulation and prevents many hazardous diseases like high blood pressure, different types of cancers and diabetes. Plus it also makes us mentally strong by slowing down the aging process and helps to get a good night sleep. This relaxes our brain and muscles and makes us internally strong.

Many scientists and medical practitioners have agreed upon one fact that acai berry is the best colon detoxification diet program out there in the market which has the powers of reducing our weight in a more healthy and natural way.

For More Related Topics Blog: Exercises For Weight Loss For Women